
Address: Estrada Nacional 8, Nº 111 - Tornada 2500 - 315 Caldas da Rainha - PORTUGAL

Phone: 262 844 430 - Call to the Portuguese fixed network

Mobile Phone: 917 292 692 - Call to the Portuguese mobile network



    GPS Coordenates:

    39°27'1.37"N | 9° 7'42.62"W

    Operating Hours

    From October to March

    Mondays to Fridays - 9:30 h - 19:00 h

    Lunch Break - 13:00 h - 15:00 h

    Saturdays - 9:00 h - 13:00 h

    From April to September

    Mondays to Fridays - 9:30 h - 19:00 h

    Lunch Break - 13:00 - 15:00 h

    Saturdays - 9:30 h - 13:00 h